Fabric Maintenance Tank Cleaning Insulation
Rigging Assembly and Installation Electrical and Mechanical Services Civil and Structures Repair and Maintenance
Rope Access Scaffolding Confined Space
Conventional NDT Eddy Current Testing Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing Digital Radiography Testing Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing
Piping Inspections Pressure Vessel Inspections Storage Tank Inspections Lifting Inspections Coating Inspections Welding Inspections Tubular Inspections
Asset Integrity Management Risk Based Inspection Dropped Object Surveys Heavy Lifting
Ankor provides rope access services that allows safe and rapid access to difficult and remote locations for a wide range of inspection, testing, maintenance and structural engineering tasks.
Our IRATA-certified multi-skilled personnel are highly qualified and experienced, we operate under the guidelines of IRATA International Code of Practice.
Ankor provides multi-skill rope access technicians capable of performing not limited to below tasks: