Fabric Maintenance Tank Cleaning Insulation
Rigging Assembly and Installation Electrical and Mechanical Services Civil and Structures Repair and Maintenance
Rope Access Scaffolding Confined Space
Conventional NDT Eddy Current Testing Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing Digital Radiography Testing Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing
Piping Inspections Pressure Vessel Inspections Storage Tank Inspections Lifting Inspections Coating Inspections Welding Inspections Tubular Inspections
Asset Integrity Management Risk Based Inspection Dropped Object Surveys Heavy Lifting
Conventional NDT has long served industry as the starting point in evaluating the condition of equipment.
Ankor’s NDT team comprises highly competent inspectors that will choose the right method to solve the inspection or testing challenge our clients face. We perform field inspections offshore and onshore to any code, standard or customer specification. Methods include:
Detects internal flaws, also for wall thickness and loss evaluation
Detects surface defects in alloy materials
Detects surface and near-surface defects in ferrous material
Detects weld defects and evaluates wall loss
Verify chemical composition of supplied materials to ensure they conform to the proper standards and specifications
Our highly competent personnel will meet your project requirements for close and general visual inspection